From SA Andews 
Every brain has its quirks. Most would say mine is overloaded with them. So be it. That a storied history adds flavor to the mix. Thank you for joining me.
Sustack Author 
Serial Fiction 
Speculative Fiction, Metaphystical, Shaman, Humor, Sci-Fi

Too Old 
They say I am too old. Too old to write successfully. Too old to attract the current market in social media. Most say, 'I've lived past my usefulness and am just clogging up the system with antiquated ideals.
Might be. But I am not ready to give up. One day they'll shovel dirt on me. That will be the last you'll hear from my mouth. But my words will live on. If someone cares, they might outlive you, you ungrateful twerp
10-19-24 Substack Response
Self-absorption is the enemy. It’s not about me. I see myself standing on a point, looking at a small valley below. It is my world; I own it. No one else is there.
Am I alone?
At that point in my life, I grew up. Being me was enough. I did not need anyone to tell me I was okay or that my actions worked for them. My world became mine. People came and went, but I remained the same. Untarnished by their presence or absence.
Thank you for reminding me of that liberating day in my life.
Need Order to Survive
My first novel, still not edited, sits on my HD waiting. Yesterday I decided to rewrite the first two chapters in 1st person. It gave the pages a new perspective. Will I or won't I drive through the next 600+ pages to speak them in 1st person?
Early, 30+ years ago, I wrote some short fiction in 1st person. Binned it. My next project is a dystopian work. But Big City still needs a final read-through. My son is here this week, so nothing progresses. Next week, the novel gets a read-through on the final 26 chapters. Then I can breathe.
I tried the Aftermath story in 1st person. It did not fit. The protagonist just does not have much depth. He's not three-dimensional. The story lacks color; I see it in mostly black and white, or shades of gray. One would guess a world of 'lacking' would not exude joy.
Another novel waits for the CPM 86 disk to be translated into a Word document. Written in 1990, it's a few chapters from completion. Sometimes I wonder how I can retain the fire for these works left abandoned. But I do. They still live in me, rearing their heads from time to time.
Without order, there can be no completion. Big City, Aftermath, Running, The Druggist, and Escape Artist. At least three years of work to complete works started 30+ years ago.
"Haunted, might best describe me."

Thank you!
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